Yoga For Women To Improve Sex Life
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Yoga For Women To Improve Sex Life

April 7, 2019 | Sex | By Lisa Smith

All you ladies out there – if you thought that yoga would just improve your fitness, give you a better posture reduce your blood pressure, increase flexibility, improve your memory and concentration, calm your nerves, add a glow to your skin – then you are missing sex from the list! Here’s why this happens.

How Yoga Improves Sex Life

Yoga Means A Lot Of Kegels

Yoga involves using all of your muscles. For example, when you try to balance yourself you are improving the strength of your sphincter muscles. These are the muscles that controls urination. One such pose is the cat-cow pose. These yoga poses are almost equivalent to half an hour of Kegel exercise. Like Kegels, hence, by improving these muscles, it helps you to have better orgasms.

Yoga Improves Concentration

When you are doing yoga you have to focus on your breathing, where are you looking, your abdomen movements, your balance etc. With regular practice, yoga helps to improve your concentration levels and also boost your sex drive. When your mind could be jammed with variety of thoughts, this will help you clear your mind and focus on the lovemaking. Now, wouldn’t you want to focus on how your partner moans when you touch him? So, clear your mind and feel, your orgasms become better.

Yoga Makes You More Flexible

When you practice yoga not only will you feel fitter, look better, see increase in confidence but also become more flexible. Some yoga poses that will improve your flexibility are the cat-cow pose, triangle pose, and the bridge pose. With your body’s ability to move easily you can look forward to a better sex life. You will find aches disappear in the more complex positions and can be more adventures in bed. Just imagine – your ability to touch your legs while doing yoga means that now you can try the straddle position with your legs wide apart during sex!

Yoga Helps To De-Stress

Work life, chores, home, socializing, ailments and medicines – everything piles up and you can start to feel extremely stressed. On the other hand sex is enjoyable only with a calm mind. Which is where yoga can become your Saviour. When you practice yoga regularly you will find that you feel calmer. All you need is some dim lights, aroma candles, soothing music and switched off phone. Practice your entire yoga routine without any rush and see the stress disappear. Regularly yoga makes you feel as good as new and ready to start enjoying lots of sex.

Yoga Keeps Ailments At Bay

At your age you are more prone to a variety of illnesses – right from brittle bones, aches, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart ailments, obesity etc. Yoga not only helps you to reduce weight but also takes care of these illnesses as well. A fitter and healthier you will have more energy and also the mindset to enjoy a good time in bed with your partner.

Yoga Gives More Energy

When the mind is jammed, and age adds to this, insomnia becomes quite common. Hence, when time for sex comes, you are likely to feel sleepier than excited. With yoga, your sleep habit will improve. Once you are adequately rested, you will surely have more energy and hence start to look forward to a steamy session in bed with your partner.

Yoga Improves Self Esteem

When you do yoga you will become healthier and you will feel fitter as well. Till now, if you have been suffering from low levels of self confidence because you feel that you are turning old and no longer look good, then that is about to change. With the glow that comes to your skin, the improved flexibility of your body, the lower levels of stress, you will now start to feel good about yourself. When your self esteem is more you will be more energetic in bed and all your worry and shyness about going naked in front of your partner will vanish.

With yoga you will find your balance and health. you may also notice easier arousals and orgasms. So, get going on your yoga schedule ad up your libido in the process.


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