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December 26, 2018 | Sex | By Amanda Johnson
Sexual fantasies are good because you can let your imagination run as wild as you can. The top twenty sexual fantasies of women above fifty are below. Which ones make it to your list?
There is a vulnerable appeal in teaching the naive. Often women above fifty imagine having sex with those younger to them because they get a turn on thinking that they can teach him and because those younger have more energy and can please her for longer.
If the woman is submissive in real life, it is likely that she will have sexual fantasies where she plays the dominant partner. Spanking him, making him beg, tying him up, making him suck on her stiletto heels – all these make it to this list.
After decades of being together with one man boredom does creep in. Thus women of this age often dream of having sex with a complete stranger. It makes the sex more exciting because there is always something mysteriously erotic about the unknown.
Work and home – women in their fifties often get bogged down with this routine. Hence, sex just becomes much like a monotonous task. Often, therefore, women above fifty have fantasies about having sex in exotic locations. It could be those that she has read about, seen in movies, or even has had on her bucket list for years.
When sex with the same partner happens on a regular basis, often it just becomes stale. Out of sheer boredom often the act happens in silence. But when women fanaticize about sex, talking does make it to their list. Women like to dream that their partner is praising them, is talking dirty with them, and is telling them what pleasures him.
A couple both of whom are in their fifties are most likely to have sex that is soft. This, quite naturally, when fantasies happen, the woman lands up imagining scenes where the sex is raw and rough. Think forcible pinning down, ripping of clothes, tying up, spanking, and biting of lips. She dreams of saying, “Yes, Master!” She wants to surrender to his demands, resist and disobey him such that she gets punished with a session of sex that is rough and unmerciful.
After long hours of work – both in the office and also at home – which woman won’t want to put her feet up and relax or imagine her partner giving her a sensual massage. But, if her partner is too vanilla no such thing won’t happen. So, the only option she’s left with is to imagine a situation where she not only gets a good massage at the spa but enjoys a good fuck as well.
If a fifty year old woman tells you that she has never thought of having sex in a group or as a threesome – and one that includes both men and women – then she is lying to you. Of course she has! Add even more dirty thoughts of attending parties that involve partner swapping – yes, this makes it to the list as well.
Now who wants to have sex within the close confines of the bedroom for years and years? Thus, women above fifty often land up dreaming of having sex, with their partners or even a stranger, in uncommon places like the beach, the supermarket, the toilet in a pub, in a car that’s parked on a lonely street. There is something heart thumping to think that one is having sex in a place where she can be discovered.
The pornography business has been flourishing for years now. But that’s not what a woman fantasises about. What she thinks of, rather, is that her partner and she get to watch two people having sex right in front of them – maybe at a pub or even watch the couple living across their house.
A woman who has been faithful to her partner for years has, however, given in to thoughts where she has cheated on him to have sex with someone else. In real life though, these women would never dream of cheating on their guy and might even find it against their morals. It is just the thought of doing what is wrong that makes them have this sexual fantasy.
Once in her fifties, the woman, even if in a happy family environment, does think of the past at times. And, if this past involved by man whom she had had awesome sex, then in moments of vulnerability she does think of him and sexual fantasies follow.
Just because a woman has reached fifty, it doesn’t mean that she can’t develop a crush on someone. Maybe he’s the doctor who she visits or maybe it’s the new colleague who had joined her work place. Sex with them in real life is impossible. So, she resorts to a fantasy that proves to be a huge turn on for her.
When one is older, it becomes tougher to have sex. Not only because of the aches and pains but also because the women might be unable to get wet easily and the man might suffer from premature ejaculation. Hence, if your partner is one who can’t hold his own for long and yet does not want to experiment in bed, it is quite possible that you spend a lot of time fantasising about sex with toys.
With age the body shape changes and so, some women in this age group, find it a little difficult to bare herself with lights on. Wanting to have sex in darkness manifests in a slightly kinkier blindfolded act in ones fantasy. Often when she masturbates, she has her eyes closed and thinks of intimacy with her partner in this manner.
Maybe she is the boss at office always delegating and taking charge. At fifty plus this is a common scenario. It is thus possible that in her sexual fantasy she turns into the pencil skirt wearing, cleavage revealing secretary who gets to have sex on the office desk.
At fifty you are probably married for so long that sex would have not only gone down due to changes in the body but also because it’s become staple and boring. Often, thus, women at this age want to bring the spice back by imagining to sext their partners – right from pictures to words and phrases that she has recently go to know from books and television soaps.
You have the money for a luxury resort. But there is no fun in that when it comes to sexapades. A fifty-year-old woman’s mind thus conjures up the picture of a shady motel in a godforsaken highway with creaky beds where she can experience a night of passion.
At fifty having a big orgasm is tough and at times you might even find that you are left without one at all because your partner is over and done with too soon. Often, thus, women tend to fantasise about a situation where she is being given the pleasure of having multiple orgasms.
A woman who is well into her fifties is more likely than not to maintain her dignity at parties. So, even if the alcohol is overflowing, probably she will not get drunk. But, she is sure to have thoughts of having sex with the gorgeous guy who she spotted at the party and that too in a complete state of inebriation.
Think George Clooney, Pierce Brosnan, Johnny Depp and then think of your pot bellied, balding partner. Now, who can blame a woman if she is dreaming of having some ‘rocking’ time with these celebrities?
As this list shows, there is no end to imagination. While some dream and then fulfil it, others like to keep it as a dream. But imagine all do. So, what’s on your list, lady?