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June 15, 2021 | Sex | By Dr. Anubha Walia

Yoga is synonymous with sexy. When you are stretching, you are working on your curves and increasing your sex appeal. Better curves also brings about loss of weight thus boosting your sex appeal. So what do you do with this enhanced sex quotient of yours? Voila you supercharge your love life. The advantages of yoga are so astounding that it is a surprise we cannot utilize it to achieve world peace — or something close to that. Yoga benefits include improved posture, reduced blood pressure, increased lung capacity, greater balance, flexibility, weight loss, enhanced brain function, and a plethora of other outstanding advantages.

Yoga may help you not only enhance your physical and mental health, but it may also help you become a master in bed. There are several positions that can assist enhance blood circulation and strengthen pelvic muscles.

Couple Yoga

One of the alternates for couples to develop intimacy with each other could be practicing couple Yoga. Yoga for couples may also assist to boost arousal and sexual satisfaction. It is critical to understand that couple’s yoga is not sexual in nature. It is a type of yoga in which two individuals coordinate their breathing, postures, and movements. This, however, may deepen intimacy since it necessitates greater degrees of trust, communication, and connection. 

Increased Physical Sensation

Yoga, when practiced on a regular basis, increases awareness to diverse physical sensations. And, although the other elements described above help you be a better lover, increased sensitivity ensures that you enjoy each physical act of your spouse much more, and therefore return the favor.

Enhanced Sexual Functioning In Males

Yoga, according to the Journal of Sexual Medicine, enhances all sexual functions in males, including desire, performance, erection, and ejaculation control. Yoga improves body awareness, which reduces anxiety and improves blood flow to the genital region. It also aids in the removal of toxins from the body that impair sexual function. By activating their pelvic floor through Mula Bandha (yoga pose), men can improve their sexual experience with yoga. Improved pelvic floor control can lead to longer orgasms and orgasms without ejaculation. Moola bandha stretches the muscles of the pelvic floor while also balancing, stimulating, and rejuvenating the region using techniques that promote awareness and circulation.

Boosting Energy Levels

Because many couples are sleep-deprived, sex might feel like just another item on a never-ending to-do list. It turns out that performing yoga on a regular basis boosts your energy levels and helps you sleep better at night, which may be just what your sexual appetite requires. Yoga may improve your sex life by increasing communication via touch and movement.

Flexibility In Body Postures

Who does not want to experiment with different sex positions? And what do you need to be able to experiment with the many postures you have read about without getting a cramp here or a muscle strain there? Of course, there’s yoga. Yoga would help the couples have better flexibility which would help them in bed trying for different sex positions and find more pleasure with each other.

So, during this International Yoga week, be a great lover. You have now all the reasons to be a great lover and hence now to be indulging in yoga regularly. To promote this ancient discipline, Lets50 has planned a Yoga & wellness session specially for 50plus to make to live and love like 25.

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