15 Tips to Increase Intimacy with Your Partner after 50
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15 Tips to Increase Intimacy with Your Partner after 50

January 18, 2019 | Romance & Relationship | By Amanda Johnson

The onset of menopause means a lot of things for women once they cross 50. Lesser libido and a change in your body’s sexual abilities are natural. Men too suffer from erectile dysfunction and low performance during sex. But lesser time spent on intercourse is not something that should steal your intimacy with each other. We have 15 Tips to Increase Intimacy with Your Partner after 50.

1. Indulge In Lots Of Cuddling

There’s no better feeling than snuggling into the arms of your lover and inhaling their perfume. The sound of their heartbeat calms you down and even your breaths relax them. Soon you’ll notice that you’re breathing in synchronization. Such is the power of a good cuddling session. You will end up feeling comforted and a lot closer to your partner. Make this a daily ritual and notice how you feel more intimate than before.

2. Pillow Talk Is Important

Every night before you submit to complete exhaustion, snuggle up and talk about your respective days. Help each other feel accepted and heard. Your conversation will slowly move towards reminiscing your time together. Tell them how they make you feel and express genuine affection towards them. Kiss them good night, every single time. Spooning while you drift off to sleep will help you both rest better and you will wake up with a smile.

3. Bathe Together Or Bathe Each Other

Grooming and bathing together or just helping your partner is a very intimate act in itself. Expressing your care towards them through your actions and gentle caresses will make both your hearts flutter. Take a bubble bath together and massage their tense muscles. Returning the favour of a nice back scrub with a hair wash and such acts will bring you closer together as a couple. Just enjoy feeling your bodies in close contact together.

4. Give An Erotic Massage Without Orgasm As An End Goal

A sensual massage with sweet smelling essential oils is an excellent way to feel closer to your partner. Rub them down well and with care. You can also pleasure them by stimulating their genitals at a slow pace. You don’t need to hurry with the process; the aim here is to make them feel good and bring you closer to them through intimate touch.

5. Make Out and Get Heavy

Making out makes everyone feel like hormonal teenagers and age has nothing to do with it. The act is so intimate that it makes your breath hitch and your heart skip a few beats. Set the mood by dimming the lights and putting on a romantic movie or slow music. Get comfortable with touching gently at first and then spend your time kissing and nibbling a lot. It will bring the butterflies in your stomach come alive once again!

6. Share Your Erotic Fantasies

Every person has a different idea about sex. These fantasies don’t get a chance to be played out for a lot of reasons. The both of you sharing your wildest sexual fantasies may help immensely in spicing up your sexual life. Your partner and you would feel more open to trying new things and trying new things are always very thrilling.

7. Invest In Toys and Get Naughty

It is always a good idea to invest in good sex toys for both of you. Just because having intercourse does not get you to an orgasm doesn’t mean you can’t involve help. Foreplay with sex toys such as vibrators helps a woman immensely to form the right amount of lubrication. Also, invest in a good lubricant for yourselves if you don’t produce enough. If you or your partner is kinky, you can get toys such as fur-lined cuffs and restraints to play your ministrations over them and make them lose it due to the pleasure of anticipation.

8. Pass Naughty Notes and Messages

Anticipation works wonders on your libido. Creating a naughty sexual tension by passing each other naughty notes and messages when one of you is away or at work is an amazing way to build the entire act up. You won’t be able to keep your hands off each other once you finally meet after a long day filled with saucy comments and suggestive taunts!

9. Make Music Together

What we’re talking about is listening to music together and singing along to it whether you can sing well or not. Bring out the old records that you both loved so much and play it around your home. The vibe of the environment changes in an instant when music is involved. Dance with your partner if you feel like. You can also get those dual headphone docks to listen to music from the same device at a quiet park in the evening.

10. Long Walks and Holding Hands

Holding hands and looking at couples holding hands makes everyone melt a little inside. A long, leisurely walk through your street or a park while you talk about everything and nothing is a bonding experience that you both need to deepen your intimacy. Physical touch as simple as holding hands is comforting, reassuring and shows how you support each other through life.

11. Go Out on Dates

It is easy to lose sight and interest in doing the little things that you did when the relationship was new, but those were core memories that your love was built on. So, go out on cute dates. It doesn’t have to always be expensive. But make all the efforts that you did before. Similarly, when your partner steps up and puts in their efforts like buying you flowers and waiting for you at the door, you are helping deepen the bond you both share.

12. Get Playful

Laughing together is one of the easiest ways to establish or strengthen a bond between partners. Indulge in playing fun games, read out a funny joke you come across to them as well, or watch a comedy movie together. Playful banter always reaffirms the strong feelings of affection you have for each other. You can feel it in the way both your eyes shine brighter and share a connection only privy to you and your partner.

13. Necking While Watching A Movie Together

The teenagers have a lot to teach us about familiarising and reacquainting ourselves to romance. Neck kisses and light nibbles while watching a movie together, curled up under covers will effectively make you two fell warm and fuzzy for each other. Whether the act leads to sex is totally up to you; who has been able to resist the power of love bites and sensitive kisses though?!

14. Whisper Naughty Plans and Secrets In Public

You will feel plenty young and naughty while you do this and that is the very intention. The next time you’re both out with friends at dinner, trace your fingertips against your partner’s under the table. Place your hand on their thigh and get close to their ear. In the most secretive way, you can manage, tell them what you want to do to them or what you’d like them to do to you once you’re back home. Keeping the romance alive through secret and naughty whispers in public wraps you inside an intimate little bubble.

15. Exercise Together

Couples that sweat together, stay together. Exercising or playing a sport together is known to improve communication, coordination and also understand the body language between partners effectively. Aren’t these the recipe to keeping your intimacy intact? Yes, that is exactly what exercising together does for you. You can encourage each other mutually to get better or participate in couples workouts to strengthen your connection.

Intimacy between lovers is not all about sex. If that was the case, we wouldn’t see so many happy couples ageing together. With age come roadblocks to sex, but the building blocks of your relationship like trust, mutual respect, and unconditional affection go a long way to keep you both doe-eyed and in love for a long time. Watering and nurturing the garden of your values as a couple will keep the intimacy of your relationship fresh and strong as ever as you keep working on Tips to Increase Intimacy with Your Partner after 50.

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